
This site contains a constantly expanding catalogue of antique prints and maps with a choice of innovative and easy-to-use means of navigation. Currently there are 33125 items which include 2516 maps, 822 early photographs and 737 original works of art.

Many items are for sale at very reasonable prices but prices are not shown. If you are interested in any, please use the Make an Enquiry buttons to request a quotation.
Apps, Icons and Navigation
The site consists of a collection of Apps or micro-sites. The home page presents a grid containing all the apps. Each has a title, a description and a square signature image. Each image works as a link to the app. Smaller versions of all the app images - app icons - are repeated in the header of all pages. Hence it's possible to switch to any app from any page. If you're in any doubt which icon points to which app, just hover your mouse over it to discover its title. The Rare Old Prints signature image, on the left of the header, acts as a link back to the home page.

- Images in the site always work as links to somewhere.
- The header top left image returns you to the home page
- The header app icons link to their respective apps
- The home page app images link to their respective apps
- App icons within apps (to the left of page titles) return to the app's home page
- Images of prints in gallery pages link to the respective prints' details pages
- Images of prints in print details pages link to a larger image
- Larger print images return to Print details pages

Not all prints fall within the scope of the various apps, but the Search facility's scope is global.
Reference Numbers
Every print or map has a reference number of the form P/1234 and can be reached directly by appending this to the website's address - e.g. www.rareoldprints.com/p/1234. These addresses are shown on each page with a button that can be used to bookmark them.

The dimensions given for each item are of its entire printed area. i.e. the image plus any titles, publisher's line, plate number etc. The sheet size will be larger and I will include its overall dimensions when I provide quotations in response to Enquiries.

Web References
On the pages for Artists, Cartographers, Engravers, Publishers and Portrait Subjects, biographical details are supplemented through links to Wikipedia and/or the wevbsites of the British Museum (BM) and National Portrait Gallery (NPG). Links are coloured dark green and open pages in separate browser windows.

Bibliographical References
For counties which have a published cartobibliography, reference numbers are being included. To-date these are Berkshire (Chambers), Devon (Batten & Bennett), Hertfordshire (Hodson), Norfolk (Frostick), Sussex (Kingsley) and Warwickshire (Harvey & Thorpe).

For a few counties, cities or towns which have a published Prints Bibliography, reference numbers are being included. To-date these are: Devon (Somers Cox). Bath (Images of Bath), Brighton (Images of Brighton).

For UK Topographical prints series, the following bibliographical references are being included:
Abbey - for topographical plate books 1770-1860, relating to Great Britain and Ireland, containing aquatints or lithographs.
Tooley - for English published plate books 1790-1860 containing colour plates.
Somers Cox - for books containing sets two or more of Devon prints.

Links & Cross-referencing
Throughout this website, images of prints and any text that's blue can be assumed to be links within the site. Links appear underlined only on the home page. A key feature of the site's design is extensive cross-referencing. Wherever keywords appear, such as names of artists or engravers, subject categories etc, they will usually act as links to search for other prints that have the keyword in common. In Slideshows the little triangles (known as twisties) can be clicked on to expand and collapse further information situated below them.
