
Victory sounding the Trumpets of the Duke of Cumberland, whose Medal is survey'd, in mourning attitudes, by Wisdom and Valour, whilst Britannia deplores her Loss. On the back is Windsor Castle; the Paupers cheared and employ'd by him, weeping at their sad Change.

Ref: P/21693 < >

Portrait Subject: Cumberland

Physical Attributes
Technique: Copper plate engraving
Dimensions: 165 x 100 mm

Portraits A-Z: C
Military: Generals and Soldiers
Portraits: Generals

Bibliographic References

Antique Print - "Victory sounding the Trumpets of the Duke of Cumberland, whose Medal is survey'd, in mourning attitudes, by Wisdom and Valour, whilst Britannia deplores her Loss. On the back is Windsor Castle; the Paupers cheared and employ'd by him, weeping at their sad Change.".