
Dinan. Prise du saut a l'Ane.

Ref: P/30896 < >

Physical Attributes
Technique: Lithograph
Dimensions: 303 x 410 mm

Country: France
Departement / Cotes du Nord (22)
Pays de la Rance: Dinan - General Views
Location: Dinan

Artist: Felix Benoist
Lithographer: Felix Benoist; Julien Jacottet
Published by: Charpentier

Print Series: Benoist Large

Bibliographic References

Featuring the newly completed viaduct which was constructed between 1846 and 1852.

Not for sale.

Antique Lithograph - "Dinan. Prise du saut a l'Ane." by J Jacottet after F Benoist published by Charpentier.