| Miss Stephens of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Ref: P/20482 Artist: Harlow G H Publisher: J. Asperne, 32 Cornhill Date: 1818
 | Mr. Charles Matthews, Comedian. Ref: P/20487 Publisher: J. Asperne, 32 Cornhill Date: 1818
 | The Honble. Captn. James Luttrell. Ref: P/14246 Artist: Millar Publisher: Fielding, Sewell, Debrett Date: 1783
 | Israel Manduit Esqr. From an Original Picture in the possession of Bery Lethieulier Esqr. Ref: P/14251 Publisher: J Sewell, Cornhill Date: 1787
 | John Boydell Lord Mayor of London. 1791 Ref: P/30397 Artist: Pope A Engraver: Conde J Publisher: J. Sewell, Cornhill Date: 1792
 | Edwd. Wortley Montagu Esq. in his Turkish Dress. Ref: P/19415 Artist: Romney, George Engraver: Conde Publisher: J. Sewell, 32 Cornhill Date: 1793
 | Richard Brocklesby, M.D. F.R.S. Ref: P/14245 Artist: Copley Engraver: Ridley Publisher: J Sewell, Cornhill Date: 1798
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