
Military - Battles at Sea


The Taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22d. of Novr. 1739 with Six Men of War only.
Ref: P/13474

Medium: Copper
Engraver: Parr R
Publisher: Thos. Bowles
Date: 1743

No longer available
Victoire de l'Armee Navale de S.M.I. de toutes les Russies remportesur l'Ottomanne pres de Laberno le 7 Juillet 1770
Ref: P/4789

Medium: Copper
Date: 1770

To the Right Honourable the Lord Grosvenor, This Plate engraved from a Picture of The Battle at La Hogue in his Lordship's Collection is dedicated By his Lordship's much obliged and most obedient humble Servants, Benjamin West and William Woollett.
Ref: P/27957

Medium: Copper
Artist: West B
Engraver: Woollett W
Publisher: B. West, W. Woollett & J. Hall
Date: 1781

No longer available
The Representation of His Majesty's Ship Monmouth of 64 guns Commanded by Captn. James Alms, at the Close of the Action in the East Indies, between that ship and the French Admiral in the Hero of 74 guns, and two other French ships, in the General Engagement of the 12th April 1782. When the French Admiral, having the Weather Gage, sets all his sails and Hauls out of the Line.
Ref: P/5488

Medium: Copper
Artist: Serres D
Engraver: Peltro J
Publisher: Robert Wilkinson
Date: 1782

To Hyde Parker Esqr Vice Admiral of the Blue Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet. This Representation of the Action between the Squadron of ships under his command & a Dutch Squadron Commanded by Rear Admiral Zoutman, on the 5th August 1781 on the Dogger Bank, Is (by Permission) most humbly Inscribed by his most obedient humble Servany, Richard Paton.
Ref: P/11426

Medium: Copper
Artist: Paton R
Engraver: Lerpiniere D
Publisher: John Boydell
Date: 1782

No longer available
Plate I. The Morning of the 12th April 1782, Representing that Gallant Scene between Dominica and Guadeloupe in the West Indies, where The Commander in Chief, Admiral Lord Rodney (to whom this plate is most humbly dedicated) is forcing the Enemy's Line.
Ref: P/5464

Medium: Copper
Artist: Dodd R
Engraver: Chesham F, Peltro J
Publisher: R Sayer & J Bennet No 53 Fleet St
Date: 1783

No longer available
The Action near Cape Francois on the 21st Oct 1757 between his Majesty's Ships the Augusta, Dreadnought & Edinburgh, under the Command of Captn Forrest, and seven French Men of War, when the latter where defeated, and obliged to sheer off in a shattered condition.
Ref: P/3548

Medium: Copper
Date: 1788

No longer available
The Disposition of the British Fleet under the Command of Admiral Keppel the 8th day of April 1761, previous to the Attack of Fort Andre on the Island of Belle Isle.
Ref: P/3556

Medium: Copper
Date: 1788

No longer available
The Celebrated Victory.... of Earl Howe... on the Glorious 1st June 1794
Ref: P/1225

Medium: Stipple
Artist: Brown M
Engraver: Orme D
Date: 1794

No longer available
A View of the General Engagement between the British Fleet under the Command of Admiral Howe, and the French Fleet, on the 1st of Jun 1794
Ref: P/6818

Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Elmes W
Engraver: Elmes W
Publisher: John Fairburn
Date: 1794

No longer available
The Ramillies Water Logged, with her Admiral & Crew quitting the Wreck.
Ref: P/23282

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Dodd R
Engraver: Jukes F
Publisher: F. Jukes 10 Howland Street
Date: 1795

No longer available
The Engaging and Taking of La Thamise French Frigate
Ref: P/205

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Pocock N
Engraver: Pollard R
Publisher: Pocock N
Date: 1798

No longer available
View of the British Fleet on the 11 October 1797, Bearing down to attack the Dutch Fleet, under the Command of Admiral De Winter, with the Action commencing in the Rear, by his Majesty's Ship the Monarch.
Ref: P/22806

Medium: Copper
Artist: Dodd R
Engraver: Dodd R
Publisher: J. Brydon, Charing Cross, and R. Dodd No. 22 Lisson Green
Date: 1798

No longer available
The Leviathan & L'Amerique.
Ref: P/22282

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Pocock N
Engraver: Ellis W
Publisher: Bunney & Co Ltd
Date: 1799

The Brunswick & Le Vengeur 1st June 1794.
Ref: P/22284

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Pocock N
Engraver: Ellis W
Publisher: Bunney & Gold
Date: 1800

Night Action between the Leander, 50 guns, and a French three Decker.
Ref: P/22285

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Pocock N
Engraver: Ellis W
Publisher: Bunney & Gold
Date: 1800

The Battle of Copenhagen, Fought on the 2nd April 1801 under the Command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker Kt. by Lord Nelson & Sir Thomas Graves K.B. This Plate is respectfully dedicated to Admiral Robert Kingsmill Bart by his much obliged & very grateful Servant Willm Ramage.
Ref: P/3168

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Whitcombe T
Engraver: Wells J, Chesham F
Publisher: B.B.Evans, Poulty, London
Date: 1802

No longer available
Captain Ellison's Action of Guernsey, with an enemy's Squadron.
Ref: P/22281

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Lee J T
Engraver: Rickards
Publisher: Joyce Gold, 103 Shoe Lane, Fleet Street
Date: 1808

View of the close of the Action between the British and French Fleets, off Port l'Orient on the 23rd. of June 1795, by Captn. Alexander Becher R. N.
Ref: P/23422

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Becher A
Engraver: Dodd R
Publisher: Captn. A. Becher
Date: 1812

The Tars of Old England Triumphant. A View of the Gallant Action between His Majesty's Frigate Shannon and the American Frigate Chesapeake
Ref: P/209

Medium: Wood
Publisher: G.Thompson
Date: 1813

No longer available
Capture of La Pique - Jany. 5th. 1795
Ref: P/33712

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Whitcombe
Engraver: Sutherland
Publisher: J. Jenkins 48 Strand
Date: 1816

Destruction of the Danish Fleet before Copenhagen, April 2nd. 1801. Plate II.
Ref: P/21291

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Whitcombe T
Engraver: Sutherland T
Publisher: J. Jenkins 48 Strand
Date: 1817

No longer available
Battle of Cape St. Vincent, Feby. 14th. 1797. Plate I.
Ref: P/21292

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Whitcombe T
Engraver: Sutherland T
Publisher: J. Jenkins 48 Strand
Date: 1817

No longer available
The Battle of La Hogue.
Ref: P/2068

Medium: Steel
Artist: West B
Engraver: Armytage J C
Publisher: James S.Virtue, London

No longer available
A Representation of the taking the Cato and Jason
Ref: P/20680

Medium: Copper
Artist: Serres D
Engraver: Skelton W
Publisher: James Fittles, No. 62, Upper Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place

The Cato after a short Action, having falling off with her Bows to the Valiant
Ref: P/20681

Medium: Copper
Artist: Serres D
Engraver: Skelton W
Publisher: James Fittles, No. 62, Upper Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place

Marine Francaise. Le Trident. Combattant en s'Embossant.
Ref: P/22825

Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Brager H D
Engraver: Grager H D, Delaplane
Publisher: Formentin & Cie Rue des Stes. Peres 10

No longer available
To Vice Admiral, The Right Honorable Sir George Cockburn. G.C.B. & M. B. This Plate representing an Action with the Spanish Slave Frigate "Velos Passahere", captured by boarding by H. M. Ship Primrose, Commander Willm. Broughton, of Whydah, Bight of Benin the 6th September, 1830.
Ref: P/31998

Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Huggins W J
Engraver: Duncan E
Publisher: W. J. Huggins 105, Leadenhall Street, London

Admirals and Naval Officers
Battle of Alexandria
Battle of the Nile
Battle of Trafalgar
Battle of Waterloo
Battle Plans
Battles at Sea
Battles on Land
Crimean War
Generals and Soldiers
Military Training
Napoleon Bonaparte
Naval Ships
Siege of Quebec
