To Vice Admiral, The Right Honorable Sir George Cockburn. G.C.B. & M. B.
This Plate representing an Action with the Spanish Slave Frigate "Velos Passahere", captured by boarding by H. M. Ship Primrose, Commander Willm. Broughton, of Whydah, Bight of Benin the 6th September, 1830. | |
Antique Aquatint - "To Vice Admiral, The Right Honorable Sir George Cockburn. G.C.B. & M. B.
This Plate representing an Action with the Spanish Slave Frigate "Velos Passahere", captured by boarding by H. M. Ship Primrose, Commander Willm. Broughton, of Whydah, Bight of Benin the 6th September, 1830." by E Duncan after W J Huggins published by W. J. Huggins 105, Leadenhall Street, London. |