
PortraitsAZ - B


Backer, Jacob
Title: Iacop Backer
Ref: P/22722
Medium: Copper
Artist: Backer J
Engraver: Balliu P
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Backhuizen Ludolf
Title: Ludulph Backhuysen.
Ref: P/31207
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Bacon, Francis
Title: Francis Bacon Viscount St. Albans Lord Chancellor
Ref: P/24451
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Houbraken J
Publisher: J & P Knapton Londini
Date: 1738

Bacon, John
Title: John H Bacon
Ref: P/14721
Medium: Chromo-lithograph
Artist: Brangwyn F

Bacon, Roger
Title: Roger Bacon, from a Print by Aegidius Sadeler.
Ref: P/14231
Medium: Stipple
Publisher: Wm Smith 23 Lisle Street Leicester Square

Bagot, Elizabeth
Title: Elizabeth Bagot, Countess of Falmouth & Dorset.
Ref: P/30527
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Lely P
Engraver: Thomson J
Publisher: H. Colburn & R. Bentley
Date: 1832

Not for sale
Bailey, Joseph
Title: Joseph Bailey
Ref: P/33892
Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Hodges J W
Publisher: J. W. Hodges

Bailly, David
Title: David Ballii
Ref: P/22742
Medium: Copper
Artist: Bally D
Engraver: Waumans C
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Balen, Johannes van
Title: Johannes Van Balen
Ref: P/22720
Medium: Copper
Artist: Balen J van
Engraver: Hollar W
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Balen, John van
Title: John van Balen.
Ref: P/31209
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Bancks, Charles
Title: Charle Bancks Gentilhomme Suedois Peintre a Lencre de Tachine en Mignature. 1748.
Ref: P/13343
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Bancks C
Engraver: MacArdell J
Date: 1748

No longer available
Bancroft, Richard
Title: The Revd. Richard Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury
Ref: P/3421
Medium: Copper
Publisher: W.Richardson, Castle Street Leicester Fields

Bandinelli, Baccio
Title: Baccio Bandinelli.
Ref: P/31208
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Title: Captain of Banditti. In the Common Parlour at Houghton.
Ref: P/3362
Medium: Copper
Artist: Farington G
Engraver: Michel J.B.
Publisher: John Boydell in Cheapside London
Date: 1777

Banning, Frans
Title: Mr. Frans Banning Kok, Heer van Purmerland en Ilpendam, Bergemeester en Raad der Stad Amsterdam.
Ref: P/21073
Medium: Copper
Artist: Rembrandt
Engraver: Houbraken J

Barbarossa, Frederick
Title: Frederick Barbarossa, Emperor of Germany.
Ref: P/34391
Medium: Stipple
Engraver: Chapman J
Publisher: J. Wilkes
Date: 1807

Barberini, Cardinal Francois
Title: Francois Cardinal Barberin
Ref: P/20266
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Title: Maphaeus Barberinus Card: Postea Urbanus VIII Papa.
Ref: P/18226
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Vertue G

Title: Mr. Willem Bardesius. Burgemeester der Stad Amsterdam, na de Reformatie, Ao. 1578.
Ref: P/21057
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Houbraken J

Title: Dr. Barrington Bishop of Durham.
Ref: P/26451
Medium: Copper

Barrington, Elizabeth
Title: The Hon. Mrs. Barrington.
Ref: P/28855
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Houston R
Publisher: Robt. Sayer, opposite Fetter Lane, Fleet Street
Date: 1758

Title: The Death of Lord Barrymore.
Ref: P/30401
Medium: Copper
Publisher: J. Wheble, Warwick Square, London
Date: 1793

Title: Casparus Barthi, Philologus Lisis
Ref: P/5566
Medium: Copper

Title: Henricus Jacobus va Bashianssen
Ref: P/5649
Medium: Copper

Basire, James
Title: James Basire Born Octr. 6 1730; Died Septr. 6 1802.
Ref: P/28001
Medium: Copper
Publisher: J. Nichols, & Co
Date: 1815

Title: Iacobus Basnagius. Aet. 58. 1715.
Ref: P/5546
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Kraus

Title: Francois Seigneur de Basompierre
Ref: P/20304
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Title: Baron de Bassonpierre Maistre de Lartillerie du Duc de Lorrainne
Ref: P/18224
Medium: Copper
Date: 1644

Bateman, William
Title: William Bateman, Bishop of Norwich. Founder of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, from a Picture in the Hall.'
Ref: P/24095
Medium: Aquatint
Publisher: R. Ackermann
Date: 1815

Title: Diederik, Heer van Batenburg.
Ref: P/21059
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Houbraken J

Title: Bathsheba
Ref: P/22654
Medium: Mezzotint
Engraver: Gautier D'Agoty J F

No longer available
Baur, Johann Wilhelm
Title: Jean Guillaume Bauur
Ref: P/22717
Medium: Copper
Artist: Bauur G
Engraver: Meyssens J
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Title: Ioh. Laurenti, Bavsch, Medicus Suinsurtensis
Ref: P/5567
Medium: Copper

Baxter, Richard
Title: Mr. Richard Baxter. From an Original Painting in the British Museum
Ref: P/3419
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Hopwood
Publisher: R.Edwards London
Date: 1810

Title: Tel Sut l'Illustre Bayle, honneur des beaux esprits
Ref: P/17936
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Chereau

Beard, William
Title: Mr. William Beard.
Ref: P/22871
Medium: Lithograph
Publisher: J. Rutter, Shaftesbury
Date: 1829

Beattie, James
Title: James Beattie, L.L.D.
Ref: P/19316
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Watson J
Publisher: John Boydell Engraver in Cheapside London
Date: 1775

Title: The Daughters of Lady Beauclerk
Ref: P/3064
Medium: Copper
Artist: Beauclerk
Engraver: Bartolozzi F

Title: The Daughters of Lady Beauclerk
Ref: P/12771
Medium: Copper
Artist: Beauclerk
Engraver: Bartolozzi F

No longer available
Title: General Beauregard
Ref: P/4474
Medium: Steel

Title: Detlevus Becman
Ref: P/5623
Medium: Copper

Title: Francis Duke of Bedford.
Ref: P/18967
Medium: Steel
Artist: Beard
Engraver: Cook
Publisher: Joseph Rogerson
Date: 1844

Bedford, Georgiana
Title: Her Grace the Duchess of Bedford
Ref: P/5751
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Hoppner J
Engraver: Reynolds S W
Publisher: S W Reynolds
Date: 1803

Title: Belinda.
Ref: P/30804
Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Fairland T
Publisher: J. McCormack, 30 Fore Street, London
Date: 1829

Bellasys, Susan
Title: Susan Lady Bellasys.
Ref: P/30530
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Huysman
Engraver: Wright T
Publisher: Colburn & Bentley
Date: 1831

Not for sale
Title: Le General Belliard, decede a Bruxelles, le 18 Janvier 1832, a 3h. apres midi.
Ref: P/30714
Medium: Lithograph
Engraver: Madou

Title: Miss Benger. Authoress of The Life of Tobin, Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots &c &c
Ref: P/14247
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Wageman
Date: 1823

Bennett, Timothy
Title: Timothy Bennett of Hampton Wick in Middlesex Shoemaker, Aged 75, 1752.
Ref: P/2627
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Budd G
Engraver: McArdell J

Bentivoglio, Guido
Title: Guido S.R. E. Cardinalis Bentivolus Anno aetatis 54.
Ref: P/28022
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Cross T

Benton, Thomas
Title: Thomas H Benton
Ref: P/4491
Medium: Steel

Benwell, Mrs
Title: Mrs. Benwell.
Ref: P/24453
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Hoppner J
Engraver: Ward W

Berckman, Hendrik
Title: Henry Berckmans
Ref: P/22764
Medium: Copper
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Beresford, Barbara
Title: The Honble Mrs Beresford, Mrs Gardiner, The Right Honble Anne Vicountess Townshend
Ref: P/31186
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Watson T
Publisher: T. Watson No 142 & W Shropshire, 158 New Bond Street

Gardiner, Elizabeth
Title: The Honble Mrs Beresford, Mrs Gardiner, The Right Honble Anne Vicountess Townshend
Ref: P/31186
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Watson T
Publisher: T. Watson No 142 & W Shropshire, 158 New Bond Street

Townshend, Viscountess
Title: The Honble Mrs Beresford, Mrs Gardiner, The Right Honble Anne Vicountess Townshend
Ref: P/31186
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Watson T
Publisher: T. Watson No 142 & W Shropshire, 158 New Bond Street

Title: B. Bergami.
Ref: P/20467
Medium: Stipple

Title: Betsys's Favourite
Ref: P/24786
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Freschi A
Engraver: Freschi A

Betty, William
Title: Willm. Henry West Betty
Ref: P/31039
Medium: Stipple
Engraver: Eginton E
Publisher: Messrs. Colnaghi & Co. Cockspur St. & Mr. Thompson Gt. Newport St. Printseller to His Majesty &c. &c.

Bie, Adriaen de
Title: Adrianus de Bie
Ref: P/22735
Medium: Copper
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Bigg, John
Title: John Bigg, (The Dinton Hermit.)
Ref: P/18969
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Grave R

Bigg, John
Title: John Bigg, (The Dinton Hermit.)
Ref: P/18970
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Grave R

Bijlert, Jan van
Title: Jean Bylert
Ref: P/22719
Medium: Copper
Artist: Bylert J
Engraver: Balleu P
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Billing, Archibald
Title: Archibald Billing
Ref: P/21519
Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Baugniet C
Publisher: London
Date: 1846

Blackall, Ofspring
Title: The Rt. Reverend Dr. Ofspring Blackall late Bishop of Exeter
Ref: P/32010
Medium: Copper
Artist: Dahl M
Engraver: Van der Gucht G

Title: Bladud, To whom the Grecians gave the Name of Abaris.
Ref: P/31311
Medium: Copper
Artist: Hoare W
Engraver: Baron B
Date: 1765

Not for sale
Blakeney, William
Title: William Blakeney, Baron Blakeney.
Ref: P/28914
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Hudson T
Engraver: Faber J
Date: 1756

Title: Charles de Crequi Marechal de France
Ref: P/18249
Medium: Copper

Bloemaert, Abraham
Title: Abraham Blomaert
Ref: P/22709
Medium: Copper
Artist: Blomaert H
Engraver: Snyers H
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Bloemart, Abraham
Title: Abraham Bloemart.
Ref: P/31210
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Title: The Portraicture of the Right Honorable the Lord Munjoy Blunt
Ref: P/18231
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Droeshout M
Publisher: Thomas Jenner

Title: G.L. Von Blucher, Field Marshal of the Prussian Army from an original drawing by er Royal Highness Princess Wilhemina of Prussia
Ref: P/4402
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Meyer H
Publisher: R Ackermann
Date: 1814

No longer available
Blundell, Peter
Title: Peter Blundell Founder of Tiverton School, 1604. Died 1601. From a portrait given by Thomas Whitmore Esqr. of Apley Park, Shropshire, to Robert Newton Incledon Esqr and by him to the Trustees of the School.
Ref: P/18315
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Smith E

Boleyn, Anne
Title: Ann Bullen, Queen of K. Henry VIII
Ref: P/6923
Medium: Copper
Artist: Holbein H
Engraver: Houbraken J
Publisher: J & P Knapton
Date: 1738

No longer available
Boleyn, Anne
Title: Ann Bullin. Queen of King Henry the VIII
Ref: P/3394
Medium: Copper
Artist: Holbein H
Publisher: J. Hinton
Date: 1748

Bol, John
Title: John Bol.
Ref: P/31211
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Bonaparte, Letizia
Title: Letizia Bonaparte.
Ref: P/13076
Medium: Lithograph
Engraver: Delpech

Bonaparte, Napoleon
Title: Napoleon
Ref: P/11160
Medium: Steel
Artist: David L
Engraver: Robinson H

Bonaparte, Napoleon
Title: Napoleon.
Ref: P/20498
Medium: Lithograph
Publisher: Hunt & Clarke

Bonaparte, Napoleon
Title: Napoleon Bonaparte on his Celebrated White Charger.
Ref: P/17810
Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Vernet C
Engraver: Cruikshank G

Bonaparte, Napoleon
Title: Napoleon Bonaparte
Ref: P/5772
Medium: Copper
Artist: Toffanelli
Engraver: Cook H R

Bonaparte, Napoleon
Title: Napoleon with officers beside a camp fire
Ref: P/27691
Medium: Lithograph

Bonaparte, Napoleon
Title: The Shade of Napoleon visit
Ref: P/33683
Medium: Wood

Bonaparte, Napoleon
Title: La Tombe
Ref: P/34813
Medium: Aquatint

Bonaparte, Napoleon
Title: Napoleon, Maria Louisa & the King of Rome
Ref: P/19720
Medium: Stipple

No longer available
Bonaparte, Napoleon II
Title: Napoleon II Duke of Reichstadt.
Ref: P/6326
Medium: Lithograph
Engraver: Currier N
Publisher: N Currier, 2 Spruce St N.Y.
Date: 1845

No longer available
Bonnet, Charles
Title: Charles Bonnet
Ref: P/5624
Medium: Copper

Bonne, Francois de
Title: Francois de Bonne Duc de Lesdiguierres Pair et Connestable de France.
Ref: P/18252
Medium: Copper
Artist: Dumontier
Engraver: Huret
Publisher: A Paris Chez Pierre Rocolet
Date: 1638

Borcht, Hendrik van der
Title: Henry Vander Borcht.
Ref: P/31212
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Title: Lord Boringdon. In the possession of the family.
Ref: P/17690
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Reynolds S W
Publisher: Hodgson & Graves, 6 Pall Mall
Date: 1836

Bosboom, Simon
Title: Simon Bosboom
Ref: P/22785
Medium: Copper
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Boscawen, Edward
Title: The Honble Edward Boscawen, Admiral of the Blue Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet. And One of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.
Ref: P/3388
Medium: Mezzotint
Publisher: John Bowles at the Black Horse in Cornhill, London.

No longer available
Bosch, Hieronymus
Title: Hieronymo Boschio, Pictori
Ref: P/22704
Medium: Copper
Publisher: Galle T
Date: 1661

Bosch, Hieronymus
Title: Jerom Bos.
Ref: P/31213
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Bosschaert, Thomas Willeboirts
Title: Thomas Willeborts Bossaert
Ref: P/22729
Medium: Copper
Artist: Willeborts T
Engraver: Woumans C
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Bosschaert, Thomas Willeboirts
Title: Thomas Williborts Bosschart
Ref: P/31214
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Both, Jan
Title: Iean Both.
Ref: P/22728
Medium: Copper
Artist: Willarts A
Engraver: Waumans C
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Both, Jan
Title: John Both.
Ref: P/31215
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Title: Louis de Bourbon Comte de Soy: ffons, Duc et Payr de France, Obyt Ano 1641 XVIII
Ref: P/18273
Medium: Copper
Engraver: De Jode P
Date: 1641

Title: Louis de Bourbon
Ref: P/20263
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Title: Louis de Bourbon
Ref: P/20259
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Title: Armand de Bourbon Prince de Conty
Ref: P/20262
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Title: Henry de Bourbon D'Anguien
Ref: P/20308
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Bowdich Lee, Sarah
Title: Not Quite Attentive.
Ref: P/33564
Medium: Steel
Artist: Woolnoth T A
Engraver: Woolnoth T

Boydell, John
Title: John Boydell Lord Mayor of London. 1791
Ref: P/30397
Medium: Copper
Artist: Pope A
Engraver: Conde J
Publisher: J. Sewell, Cornhill
Date: 1792

Boyle, Robert
Title: The Honble. Robert Boyle, In the Collection of Dr. Mead.
Ref: P/16581
Medium: Copper
Artist: Kerkseboom J
Engraver: Vertue G
Publisher: J & P Knapton London
Date: 1740

Boyle, Robert
Title: Robert Boyle
Ref: P/33365
Medium: Copper
Artist: Kerkseboom J
Engraver: Vertue G
Publisher: J & P Knapton London

Boys, Elizabeth
Title: Miss Elizabeth Boys 1786
Ref: P/3858
Medium: Stipple
Engraver: Day & Son

Bracegirdle, Anne
Title: The Indian Queen
Ref: P/16406
Medium: Mezzotint
Engraver: Vincent W
Publisher: John Smith

Bradshaigh, Lady
Title: Lady Bradshaigh
Ref: P/3003
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Kneller G
Engraver: Faber J
Publisher: Tho. Bowles & Jn.Bowles & Son, Cornhill
Date: 1744

Bragge, Robert
Title: The Reverend Robert Bragge P.D.
Ref: P/6944
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Bragge R
Engraver: Faber J
Date: 1738

Braithwaite, Richard
Title: A Survey of History, A Nursery for Gentry.
Ref: P/28886
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Marshall W
Publisher: N. & John Okes, London
Date: 1638

Bramer, Leonaert
Title: Leonard Bramer
Ref: P/22739
Medium: Copper
Artist: Bramer L
Engraver: Van der Dees A
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Bramer, Leonaert
Title: Leonard Bramer.
Ref: P/31216
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Bramer, Leonaert
Title: Leonard Bramer
Ref: P/28856
Medium: Copper
Artist: Bramer L
Engraver: Van der Dees A
Publisher: Meysssens, Johannes

Brandon, Charles
Title: Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk, & Mary Queen of France.
Ref: P/22315
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Trotter
Publisher: I. Simco, Great Queen Street
Date: 1794

Brandon, Charles
Title: Charles Brandon proof withot title
Ref: P/23513
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Holbein H
Engraver: Bartolozzi F

Brandon, Charles
Title: Charles 2d Son of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. ob. 1551. In His Majesty's Collection.
Ref: P/23510
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Holbein H
Engraver: Bartolozzi F

Brandon, Charles
Title: Charles Brandon proof withot title
Ref: P/23512
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Holbein H
Engraver: Bartolozzi F

Brandon, Charles
Title: Charles Brandon proof before letters
Ref: P/23511
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Holbein H
Engraver: Bartolozzi F

Brandon, Henry
Title: Henry Brandon
Ref: P/23509
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Holbein H
Engraver: Bartolozzi F

Brandon, Henry
Title: Henry Brandon proof before letters
Ref: P/23508
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Holbein H
Engraver: Bartolozzi F

Bredael, Peeter van
Title: Petrus Van Bredael
Ref: P/22760
Medium: Copper
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Bredael, Peeter van
Title: Peter Van Bredael.
Ref: P/31217
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Title: Hendrik, Heer van Brederode.
Ref: P/21070
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Houbraken J

Title: Ernestus Godofredus Brehme
Ref: P/5661
Medium: Copper

Breugel, Peter
Title: Petrus Breugel Anterpiae Pictor Ruralium Actionum.
Ref: P/23204
Medium: Copper
Artist: Van Dyck A
Engraver: Van Dyck A

Title: Jacobus Breynius Gedansis Botanicus Celeberrimus
Ref: P/5645
Medium: Copper

Bridport, Admiral Lord
Title: Admiral Lord Bridport, K. B.
Ref: P/14243
Medium: Stipple
Publisher: B Crosby 4 Stationers Court, Ludgate Street
Date: 1795

Bright, John
Title: Portrait of John Bright
Ref: P/28992
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Dickinson L
Engraver: Baker J H
Publisher: James Liddle Fairless

Britton, John
Title: John Britton Esq. F.S.A. &c
Ref: P/8410
Medium: Copper
Artist: Uwins T
Engraver: Thomson J
Date: 1820

Not for sale
Brocklesby, Richard
Title: Richard Brocklesby, M.D. F.R.S.
Ref: P/14245
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Copley
Engraver: Ridley
Publisher: J Sewell, Cornhill
Date: 1798

Bronckhorst, Jan Gerritsz van
Title: John Van Bronchorst.
Ref: P/31218
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Bronckhorst, Jan van
Title: Jean Van Bronchorst
Ref: P/22744
Medium: Copper
Artist: Bronchorst Jo Van
Engraver: Balliu P
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Brooks, Mrs
Title: Mrs. Brooks.
Ref: P/34847
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Worlidge T
Engraver: Spooner C
Publisher: Jno. Bowles & Son at the Black Horse in Cornhill

Title: H. Brougham. Esqr. M.P. Attorney General to the Queen.
Ref: P/20468
Medium: Stipple

Brouwer, Adriaen
Title: Adriaen Brouwer.
Ref: P/22706
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Smith R
Date: 1661

Brownrigg, Elizabeth
Title: Elixabeth Brownrigg, Executed Septr. 14th. 1767. for ye Murder. of Mary Clifford.
Ref: P/17931
Medium: Copper

Bruegel, Pieter
Title: Peeter Brugel.
Ref: P/22767
Medium: Copper
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Brueghel, John
Title: John Brueghel called Velvet Brueghel
Ref: P/31219
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Bruhl, Hans Moritz von
Title: His Excellency Count Bruhl
Ref: P/20422
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Northcote J
Engraver: Reynolds S W
Publisher: S. W. Reynolds
Date: 1803

Brunel, Isambard Kingdom
Title: Brunel
Ref: P/10587
Medium: Wood
Date: 1859

Brunel, Isambard Kingdom
Title: Brunel
Ref: P/10586
Medium: Wood
Date: 1859

Title: Her Royal Highness the Dutchess of Brunswick.
Ref: P/20473
Medium: Stipple
Engraver: Bourlier M A

Bruyant, Nicolas
Title: Nicolaus Bruyant
Ref: P/22701
Medium: Copper
Artist: Van Dyck A
Engraver: Pontius P
Publisher: Meyssens J
Date: 1661

Buchanan, James
Title: James Buchanan
Ref: P/4494
Medium: Steel

Buckingham, John
Title: John Duke of Buckingham.
Ref: P/15756
Medium: Copper
Publisher: J. Hinton at the King's Arms in Newgate Street

Buckland, William
Title: The Reverend William Buckland, D.D. F.R.S. Canon of Christ Church And Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, in the University of Oxford.
Ref: P/16362
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Phillips T
Engraver: Cousins S
Publisher: Molteno & Graves, 20 Pall Mall, London
Date: 1833

No longer available
Title: Joan. Franciscus Buddeus
Ref: P/5636
Medium: Copper

Title: (Buffon) Naturam amplectitur omnem.
Ref: P/20925
Medium: Copper
Artist: Drouais le Fils
Engraver: Chevillet
Date: 1773

Title: G. L. Le Clerc, Comte de Buffon.
Ref: P/15331
Medium: Stipple
Engraver: Chapman J
Publisher: J Wilkes
Date: 1801

Bulkeley, Harriet
Title: The Righ Honble. Harriet Viscountess Bulkeley.
Ref: P/24230
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Cosway R
Engraver: Bartolozzi F
Publisher: S. Watts, No. 50 (opposite Old Round Court) Strand
Date: 1785

Bulkeley, Harriet
Title: The Right Honble Harriet, Viscountess Bulkeley
Ref: P/4394
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Cosway R
Engraver: Bartolozzi F
Publisher: S Watts
Date: 1785

Buller, James
Title: James Buller, Esqr. Late Member of Parliament for the City of Exeter.
Ref: P/16278
Medium: Copper
Artist: Hopner
Engraver: Reynolds S W
Publisher: Cole & Co Exeter
Date: 1821

Bull, George
Title: George Bull D.D. Late Lord Bishop of St. David's. Ob. 17 Feb: 1709 10 Aeta 76
Ref: P/14249
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Guck M P

Bunbury, Henry William
Title: Henry Bunbury Esqr.
Ref: P/10752
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Lawrence T
Engraver: Ryder T
Publisher: S Watts
Date: 1789

Bunbury, Master
Title: Master Bunbury
Ref: P/10767
Medium: Photogravure
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Webb J C

Title: M. Johann Georg Bunne
Ref: P/5644
Medium: Copper

Buren, Martin van
Title: M Van Buren
Ref: P/4486
Medium: Steel
Artist: Inman H
Engraver: Hunt T W

Burghersh, Lord
Title: Lord Burghersh
Ref: P/5406
Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Bartolozzi F
Publisher: Colnaghi
Date: 1788

Burgh, Lord Chief Baron
Title: The Right Honble. Lord Chief Baron Burgh.
Ref: P/32357
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Hamilton
Engraver: Knight G
Publisher: R. Livesay, No. 14, Leicester Fields, London and C. Callagan, No. 13, Great Britain Street, Dublin
Date: 1783

Burg, Johannes Fredericus
Title: Johannes Fredericus Burg
Ref: P/5599
Medium: Copper

Burke, Edmund
Title: Edmund Burke.
Ref: P/18961
Medium: Steel
Publisher: L. Tallis London

Burke, Richard
Title: Richard Burke Obiit. Aug . 2 . 1794 . at . 36.
Ref: P/12215
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Ward J
Publisher: Messrs. Wards & Co No. 6 Newman Street, London
Date: 1800

Burnet, Elizabeth
Title: Mrs. Elizabeth Burnet.
Ref: P/16388
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Kneller G
Publisher: Hopwood

Burnside, Major General
Title: Major General Burnside
Ref: P/4469
Medium: Steel
Engraver: Hunt T W

Burns, Robert
Title: Robert Burns
Ref: P/28776
Medium: Steel
Artist: Hancock C
Engraver: Giller W
Publisher: Moon
Date: 1839

Buxtorffius, Johannes
Title: Johannes Buxtorffius Ling: Heb: in Acad: BAs: Professor. Ao. ae T. LXV
Ref: P/5536
Medium: Copper

Title: The Right Honble Anne Isabella Lady Noel Byron
Ref: P/5765
Medium: Steel
Artist: Newton W J
Engraver: Mote W H
Publisher: Black & Armstrong, London
Date: 1833

Byron, Lord
Title: Lord Byron
Ref: P/11428
Medium: Steel
Artist: Phillips T
Engraver: Graves R
Publisher: John Murray
Date: 1836

Backer, Jacob
Backhuizen Ludolf
Bacon, Francis
Bacon, John
Bacon, Roger
Bagot, Elizabeth
Bailey, Joseph
Bailly, David
Balen, Johannes van
Balen, John van
Bancks, Charles
Bancroft, Richard
Bandinelli, Baccio
Banning, Frans
Barbarossa, Frederick
Barberini, Cardinal Francois
Barrington, Elizabeth
Basire, James
Bateman, William
Baur, Johann Wilhelm
Baxter, Richard
Beard, William
Beattie, James
Bedford, Georgiana
Bellasys, Susan
Bennett, Timothy
Bentivoglio, Guido
Benton, Thomas
Benwell, Mrs
Berckman, Hendrik
Beresford, Barbara
Gardiner, Elizabeth
Townshend, Viscountess
Betty, William
Bie, Adriaen de
Bigg, John
Bijlert, Jan van
Billing, Archibald
Blackall, Ofspring
Blakeney, William
Bloemaert, Abraham
Bloemart, Abraham
Blundell, Peter
Boleyn, Anne
Bol, John
Bonaparte, Letizia
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Napoleon II
Bonnet, Charles
Bonne, Francois de
Borcht, Hendrik van der
Bosboom, Simon
Boscawen, Edward
Bosch, Hieronymus
Bosschaert, Thomas Willeboirts
Both, Jan
Bowdich Lee, Sarah
Boydell, John
Boyle, Robert
Boys, Elizabeth
Bracegirdle, Anne
Bradshaigh, Lady
Bragge, Robert
Braithwaite, Richard
Bramer, Leonaert
Brandon, Charles
Brandon, Henry
Bredael, Peeter van
Breugel, Peter
Bridport, Admiral Lord
Bright, John
Britton, John
Brocklesby, Richard
Bronckhorst, Jan Gerritsz van
Bronckhorst, Jan van
Brooks, Mrs
Brouwer, Adriaen
Brownrigg, Elizabeth
Bruegel, Pieter
Brueghel, John
Bruhl, Hans Moritz von
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom
Bruyant, Nicolas
Buchanan, James
Buckingham, John
Buckland, William
Bulkeley, Harriet
Buller, James
Bull, George
Bunbury, Henry William
Bunbury, Master
Buren, Martin van
Burghersh, Lord
Burgh, Lord Chief Baron
Burg, Johannes Fredericus
Burke, Edmund
Burke, Richard
Burnet, Elizabeth
Burnside, Major General
Burns, Robert
Buxtorffius, Johannes
Byron, Lord
