
PortraitsAZ - G


Beresford, Barbara
Title: The Honble Mrs Beresford, Mrs Gardiner, The Right Honble Anne Vicountess Townshend
Ref: P/31186
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Watson T
Publisher: T. Watson No 142 & W Shropshire, 158 New Bond Street

Gardiner, Elizabeth
Title: The Honble Mrs Beresford, Mrs Gardiner, The Right Honble Anne Vicountess Townshend
Ref: P/31186
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Watson T
Publisher: T. Watson No 142 & W Shropshire, 158 New Bond Street

Townshend, Viscountess
Title: The Honble Mrs Beresford, Mrs Gardiner, The Right Honble Anne Vicountess Townshend
Ref: P/31186
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Watson T
Publisher: T. Watson No 142 & W Shropshire, 158 New Bond Street

Garden, Peter
Title: The Celebrated Peter Garden, of Aberdeenshire, famous for uninterrupted Health, Gigantic Stature, and Longevity, having lived to the uncommonl age of 131 Years, with his faculties entire to the last.
Ref: P/23057
Medium: Copper

No longer available
Gardiner, Stephen
Title: Gardiner.
Ref: P/28024
Medium: Copper
Artist: Van der Werff A
Engraver: Gunst P

Garnet, Henry
Title: Si quid patimini propter iustitiam beatii petris Henricus Garnetus e societate IESV cpassus 3 May 1606
Ref: P/3424
Medium: Copper
Publisher: W.Richardson, 2 Castle Street, Leicester Square
Date: 1802

Garrick, David
Title: Garrick
Ref: P/23516
Medium: Copper
Artist: Hogarth W
Engraver: Hogarth W
Date: 1746

Garrick, David
Title: Mr Garrick in the Character of Richard 3d. Shakespear Act 5. Scene 7
Ref: P/18509
Medium: Copper
Artist: Hogarth W
Engraver: Hogarth W
Date: 1746

Garrick, David
Title: The Alchemist. Mr. Garrick in the Character of Abel Drugger.
Ref: P/31028
Medium: Copper
Artist: Roberts
Engraver: Thornthwaite
Date: 1777

Garrick, David
Title: David Garrick, Esqr.
Ref: P/20484
Medium: Copper

Garrick, David
Title: David Garrick, Esqr.
Ref: P/30710
Medium: Copper

Gascoyne, Isaac
Title: General Isaac Gascoyne, &c. &c.
Ref: P/30715
Medium: Steel
Artist: Lonsdale
Engraver: Scriven

Gascoyne, Sir Crispin
Title: Sr. Crispin Gascoyne Kt.
Ref: P/10765
Medium: Copper
Publisher: R Baldwin in Paternoster Row

Gasto, Joannes
Title: Joannes Gasto Magnus Dux Etruria VII
Ref: P/23767
Medium: Copper
Artist: Redi T
Engraver: Franceschini V
Date: 1723

Gasto, Joannes
Title: Cosmus III Magnus Dux Etruria VI Aetatis Suae Anno LXXX
Ref: P/23766
Medium: Copper
Artist: Franceschini V
Engraver: Franceschini V
Date: 1723

Title: Jean Baptise Gault
Ref: P/20283
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Title: Muster Kluger Geister
Ref: P/5604
Medium: Copper

George I
Title: Georgius D.G. Mag: Britanniae Franciae et Hibernia Rex. Fidei Defensor
Ref: P/32296
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Kneller G
Engraver: Simon J
Date: 1716

George I
Title: King George I.
Ref: P/22836
Medium: Copper
Artist: Kneller G
Engraver: Houbraken J
Publisher: J & P Knapton

No longer available
George II
Title: His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, &c.George II
Ref: P/27944
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Kneller G
Engraver: Smith J
Publisher: J. Smith at ye Lyon & Crown in Russell Street, Covent Garden
Date: 1717

George II
Title: Georgius II. D.G. Mag: Brit: Fran: et Hib: Rex F.D.
Ref: P/20624
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Faber J
Engraver: Faber J
Publisher: J. Faber at the Golden Head in Bloomsbury Square

George II
Title: Georg II
Ref: P/27685
Medium: Copper
Publisher: Johann Christian Leopold, Augsburg

George III
Title: George the Third
Ref: P/29814
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Gainsborough T
Engraver: Dupont G
Date: 1790

George III
Title: (Silhouette of King George III)
Ref: P/20459
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Matthews T
Engraver: Freschi A
Publisher: T. Matthews, Park Street, Windsor.
Date: 1800

No longer available
George III
Title: George the Third.
Ref: P/19725
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Rosenberg C
Engraver: Stadler J C
Date: 1819

George III
Title: George III. In the 80th Year of his Age.
Ref: P/20075
Medium: Stipple

George III
Title: George the Third, In the 60th. Year of his Reign.
Ref: P/20460
Medium: Stipple

No longer available
George III
Title: George the Third.
Ref: P/22154
Medium: Copper

No longer available
George III
Title: His Most Gracious Majestry King George the Third. Born May 24 O.S. 1738.
Ref: P/20457
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Gainsborough T
Engraver: Hopwood

No longer available
George III
Title: George the Third, In the 1st. Year of his Reign.
Ref: P/20455
Medium: Stipple

No longer available
George III
Title: His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, Born May 24, 1788.
Ref: P/28379
Medium: Copper
Publisher: R. Baldwin Junr. at the Rose in Pater Noster Row

George III
Title: King George. III.
Ref: P/28381
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Caldwal J

George III
Title: George the III, King of Great Britain, &c.
Ref: P/30703
Medium: Mezzotint
Publisher: Carington Bowles, next the Chapter House, St. Pauls Church Yard, London

George III
Title: George III
Ref: P/30868
Medium: Copper

George III
Title: George the IIId. King of Great Britain, &c.
Ref: P/31178
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Walker W

George IV
Title: His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales &c. &c. &c.
Ref: P/28377
Medium: Copper
Date: 1779

George IV
Title: His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales.
Ref: P/28378
Medium: Copper
Publisher: John Walker
Date: 1783

George IV
Title: His Majesty King George IV.
Ref: P/19724
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Phillips T
Engraver: Schiavonetti L
Publisher: Cadell & Davies
Date: 1809

George IV
Title: His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Ref: P/18974
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Hoppner
Engraver: Meyer
Publisher: Edw. Baines
Date: 1815

George IV
Title: His Most Gracious Majesty King George the Fourth.
Ref: P/23610
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Lawrence T
Engraver: Turner C
Publisher: Hurst, Robinson & Co Printsellers to His Majesty. No.8 Pall Mall and 90 Cheapside
Date: 1824

No longer available
George IV
Title: Specimen plate from the Edition de Luxe of the Royal Collection of Paintings at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle
Ref: P/1385
Medium: Photogravure
Artist: Beechey W

George IV
Title: His Majestry George IV.
Ref: P/20461
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Wageman T
Engraver: Woolnoth T

George IV
Title: His Most Excellent Majestry George the Fourth.
Ref: P/20458
Medium: Stipple

No longer available
George IV
Title: Their Royal Hignesses the Prince and Princess of Wales.
Ref: P/2576
Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Cosway R

Caroline of Brunswick
Title: Their Royal Hignesses the Prince and Princess of Wales.
Ref: P/2576
Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Cosway R

George of Denmark
Title: George Prince of Denmark
Ref: P/13013
Medium: Copper

George of Denmark
Title: His Royal Highness George, Prince of Denmark.
Ref: P/12742
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Kneller G
Engraver: Smith J
Publisher: J Smith

George of Denmark
Title: His Royal Highness, George Prince of Denmark,
Ref: P/15012
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Kneller G
Engraver: Smith J

No longer available
George of Denmark
Title: His Royal Highness George Prince of Denmark Denmark
Ref: P/16408
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Kneller G
Engraver: Smith J
Publisher: I. Smith at y Lyon & Crown in Russel Street Covent Garden

Title: Johannis Gerhaddi
Ref: P/5656
Medium: Copper

Germaine, George
Title: Lord George Germaine.
Ref: P/33549
Medium: Copper

Gevartius, Gaspar
Title: Clarissimus vir, Casperius Gevartius iurisconsultus archigrammateus Antverpianus consiliarius et historiographus caesareus
Ref: P/16571
Medium: Copper
Artist: Van Dyck A
Engraver: Pontius P

Gibbons, Grinling
Title: Mr Grinlin Gibbons
Ref: P/24745
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Kneller G
Engraver: Smith J
Date: 1690

No longer available
Giordano, Luca
Title: Luca Giordano.
Ref: P/31231
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Giordano, Luca
Title: Luca Giordano
Ref: P/2245
Medium: Copper

No longer available
Title: Salomon Glassius
Ref: P/5627
Medium: Copper

Title: William Duke of Gloucester. At Kensington Palace.
Ref: P/29573
Medium: Copper
Artist: Kneller G
Engraver: Houbraken J
Publisher: J & P Knapton
Date: 1745

Glover, Sarah
Title: Mrs Sarah Glover
Ref: P/16277
Medium: Lithograph
Engraver: Underwood W

Title: Eberhardus Gockelius
Ref: P/5619
Medium: Copper

Title: Sidney Earl of Godolphin Lord High Treasur
Ref: P/13016
Artist: Kneller G
Engraver: Houbraken J

Title: Sidney Earl of Godolphin.
Ref: P/23492
Medium: Copper
Artist: Kneller J
Engraver: Houbraken J
Publisher: J & P Knapton

Title: Mr. Aert van der Goes, Advokaat van Holland it't jaar 1541, oud 66 jaaren.
Ref: P/21079
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Houbraken J

Goethals, Jean
Title: Goethals (Jean - Ignace - Joseph - Hyacinthe)
Ref: P/32011
Medium: Copper

Goltzius, Hendrik
Title: Henry Goltzius.
Ref: P/31232
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Title: Jean Francois de Gondy
Ref: P/20269
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Title: Henry de Gondy Cardinal de Raiz
Ref: P/20270
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Title: Carolus Gonsaga Dux Mantuae Montisferrati, etc.
Ref: P/5535
Medium: Copper

Title: Armand de Gontaud
Ref: P/20271
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Title: Jane Duchess of Gordon
Ref: P/5747
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Dickinson W
Publisher: V M Picot & W Dickinson
Date: 1775

Title: Alexander 4th. Duke of Gordon. Marquis of Huntly, Earl of Norwich & Baron Mordaunt of Turvey K. J. Aged 82. Keeper of the Seal of Scotland. Chancellor of King's College Aberdeen &c. &c.
Ref: P/21231
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Smith C
Engraver: Reynolds S W
Publisher: Colvin Smith 32 York Place, Edinburgh
Date: 1825

Gossaert, Jan
Title: John de Mabeuge.
Ref: P/31243
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Title: Johannes Gottlieb
Ref: P/5603
Medium: Copper

Title: Got. Role de Jean de Rieux, dans le Duc Job
Ref: P/20375
Medium: Lithograph
Publisher: Mesrs. Martinet

Title: The Right Honorable Viscount Gough K.C.B.
Ref: P/5024
Medium: Steel
Artist: Jackson J R
Engraver: Hall H B
Publisher: Perter Jackson, London & Paris

Title: Children of Earl Gower
Ref: P/11075
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Romney G
Engraver: Smith J R
Publisher: J. R. Smith at No. 83 Opposite the Pantheon Oxford Street
Date: 1781

No longer available
Title: Children of Earl Gower.
Ref: P/23494
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Romney G
Engraver: Smith J R
Publisher: Henry Graves
Date: 1902

No longer available
Goyen, Jan van
Title: John Van Goyen.
Ref: P/31233
Medium: Etching
Engraver: Girtin I
Date: 1817

Not for sale
Title: Grace.
Ref: P/16712
Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Beaden
Engraver: Gigoux
Publisher: Ch. Tilt 8 Surrey Street Strand

Title: The Duchess of Grafton
Ref: P/12740
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Kneller G
Engraver: Smith J
Publisher: J. Smith

Graham, John
Title: John Graham, Viscount of Dundee, OB 1689. From the original of Lely in the collection of the Right Honble the Earl of Strathmore.
Ref: P/13078
Medium: Steel
Artist: Lely P
Engraver: Robinson H
Publisher: Harding & Lepard, Pall Mall East
Date: 1834

Graham, Thomas
Title: General Lord Lynedoch, G. C. B.
Ref: P/33870
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Lawrence T
Engraver: Reynolds S W
Publisher: M. Colnaghi, 23, Cockspur Street
Date: 1831

Grantham, Lord
Title: Lord Grantham and Brothers
Ref: P/2716
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Cheesman T
Date: 1791

Grantham, Lord
Title: Lord Grantham and Brothers
Ref: P/1792
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Cheesman T

Grant, Charles
Title: The Right Honble. Charles Grant.
Ref: P/33721
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Thompson T C
Engraver: Hunt C
Publisher: Colnaghi & Co.
Date: 1820

Title: The Right Honourable, Richard Grenville Temple, Earl Temple, &c.
Ref: P/27665
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Hoare W
Engraver: Houston R

Granvil, Sir Bevil
Title: Sir Bevil Granvil
Ref: P/17675
Medium: Stipple
Engraver: Cooper R

Graves, Morgan
Title: Morgan Graves Esqr. Of Mickleton, in the County of Gloucester. Ob: 1770. Aet: 63.
Ref: P/20893
Medium: Mezzotint
Engraver: Green V

Title: William Wyndham Grenville.
Ref: P/20996
Medium: Copper
Artist: Phillips T
Engraver: Fittler J
Publisher: J. Fittler, No 62 Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square
Date: 1812

No longer available
Title: Gresset
Ref: P/17775
Medium: Lithograph
Engraver: Delpech

Title: Earl Grey.
Ref: P/20494
Medium: Stipple

Grose, Francis
Title: Francis Grose Esq. F.S.A.
Ref: P/4981
Medium: Copper
Artist: Dance N
Engraver: Bartolozzi F
Publisher: S Hooper
Date: 1787

No longer available
Grosgebauer, Thophilus
Title: Theophilus Grosgebauer
Ref: P/5650
Medium: Copper

Grossner, Samuel
Title: M. Samuel Grossner, Gymnas. Gorl. Rector et Soc. Reg. Boruss. Scient. Sodalis.
Ref: P/5548
Medium: Copper

Grotius, Hugo
Title: Hugo Grotius
Ref: P/33452
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Cross T

Grove, Hugh
Title: Hugh Grove Beheaded A.D.1655 Pro Lege et Lege
Ref: P/8802
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Worthington
Publisher: Sir R. C. Hoare
Date: 1821

Not for sale
Guez, Louis
Title: Louis Guez
Ref: P/23527
Medium: Copper
Engraver: Vallet

Title: Gustavus Adolphus D.G. Suecorum Gothorum et Vaandalorum Rex.
Ref: P/5530
Medium: Copper

Gustaf of Sweden
Title: Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden
Ref: P/3422
Medium: Copper
Publisher: J. Hinton

Title: Gustave Adolphe Roy de Svede
Ref: P/20297
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Title: Charles Gustave
Ref: P/20296
Medium: Copper
Artist: Daret
Date: 1652

Title: Simplicity
Ref: P/17779
Medium: Photogravure
Artist: Reynolds J
Engraver: Faed J
Publisher: G. P. McQueen, 37 Great Marlborough Street, Regent Street
Date: 1875

Gwynn, Nell
Title: The Sculpters part is done the features' hitt of Madam Gwin , no Artecan shew her Witt.
Ref: P/30303
Medium: Copper
Artist: Lely P
Engraver: Valck G
Publisher: Gerard Valck
Date: 1673

Gwynn, Nell
Title: Nell Gwynn.
Ref: P/30521
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Lely P
Engraver: Wright T
Publisher: D. B. Murphy
Date: 1827

Not for sale
Beresford, Barbara
Gardiner, Elizabeth
Townshend, Viscountess
Garden, Peter
Gardiner, Stephen
Garnet, Henry
Garrick, David
Gascoyne, Isaac
Gascoyne, Sir Crispin
Gasto, Joannes
George I
George II
George III
George IV
Caroline of Brunswick
George of Denmark
Germaine, George
Gevartius, Gaspar
Gibbons, Grinling
Giordano, Luca
Glover, Sarah
Goethals, Jean
Goltzius, Hendrik
Gossaert, Jan
Goyen, Jan van
Graham, John
Graham, Thomas
Grantham, Lord
Grant, Charles
Granvil, Sir Bevil
Graves, Morgan
Grose, Francis
Grosgebauer, Thophilus
Grossner, Samuel
Grotius, Hugo
Grove, Hugh
Guez, Louis
Gustaf of Sweden
Gwynn, Nell
