| Charles I
Title: Filius sic Magni est Jacobi, hæc filia Magni Henrici, soboles dic mihi qualis erit?
Ref: P/24237 Medium: Copper Engraver: Vertue G Publisher: G. Vertue Date: 1742
No longer available | ,Henrietta Maria
Title: Filius sic Magni est Jacobi, hæc filia Magni Henrici, soboles dic mihi qualis erit?
Ref: P/24237 Medium: Copper Engraver: Vertue G Publisher: G. Vertue Date: 1742
No longer available |
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| Haccius, George
Title: Georgius Haccius.
Ref: P/5593 Medium: Copper
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| Hagedorn
Title: Friedrich von Hagedorn etc etc
Ref: P/5557 Medium: Copper
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| Hancock, John
Title: John Hancock
Ref: P/4475 Medium: Steel
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| Harcourt, Simon
Title: His Excellency Simon Harcourt, Earl Harcourt Lord Lieutenant and General Governor of Ireland
Ref: P/5206 Medium: Mezzotint Artist: Hunter R Engraver: Fisher E Date: 1775
No longer available |
| Hardwicke, Philip Earl of
Title: To His Excellency Philip Earle of Hardwicke, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Lord Lieutenant General & General Governor of Ireland, The distinguished friend of the Country over which he presides, & the zealous patron of all its charitable Institutions, This plate is most respectfully inscribed by the Governors and Guardians of the Female Orphan House.
Ref: P/32267 Medium: Mezzotint Artist: Hamilton H D Engraver: Ward W Publisher: William Allen, Dublin and Colnaghi, London Date: 1806
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| Harris, William
Title: William Harris, D.D. From an original Painting in Dr. Williams Library Red Cross Street.
Ref: P/14238 Medium: Stipple Artist: Pickergill Engraver: Hopwood
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| Haslang
Title: Illustrissimus ac Excellentissimus Dominus Dnus. Georgius Christophorus Liber Baro ab Haslang in Hochen Camer et Giebing, Superioris et Inferioris / Bavariæ præfectus haereditarius, Serenissimi Ducis et Electoris Bavariae Consiliarius arcanus Aulae Mareschallus, Camerarius, praeses in Praffenhoffen etc. et ad tractatus pacis Universalis Legatus Plenipotentiarius
Ref: P/29747 Medium: Copper Engraver: Suyrerhoef I Date: 1644
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| Henri III of France
Title: Figure de Jaques Clement telle qu'elle est representee dans le livre de son Martire imprime en 1589
Ref: P/18272 Medium: Copper
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| Henri IV of France
Title: Henri Quatre. De la Galerie de S.A.S. Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans.
Ref: P/10769 Medium: Copper Artist: Janet J Engraver: Tardieu P A
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| Henri IV of France
Title: Henricus IV . Galliarum rex .
Ref: P/18253 Medium: Copper
| Henrietta Maria
Title: Henrietta Maria by the Grace of God Queene of England, Scotland, Freance and Ireland, etc.
Ref: P/35029 Medium: Artist: Van Dyck A Engraver: Hollar W Date: 1641
| Henrietta Maria
Title: Henriette Marie de France
Ref: P/20300 Medium: Copper Artist: Daret Date: 1652
No longer available |
| Henrietta Maria
Title: Henreta Maria D. G. Reg Ang: Sco Fran: et Hib
Ref: P/17819 Medium: Copper
| Henrietta Maria
Title: Serenissima Potentissimage Henrica Maria Dei Gratia Magne Britania, Francia, Hibern. Regina
Ref: P/18230 Medium: Copper Artist: Van Dycke A Engraver: De Jode P
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| Henry
Title: Henry Prince of Wales Eldest Son of K. James I. Ob. 1612. Aetat. 18. From a Curious Limning by Isaac Oliver in the Collection of R. Meade M.D.
Ref: P/28784 Medium: Copper Artist: Vertue G Engraver: Vertue G
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| Henry VIII
Title: Effigies Henrici VIII D.G Angliae Gall. et Hib. Regis Defensoris Fidei
Ref: P/2241 Medium: Copper Engraver: Simms P
| Henry VIII
Title: Henry VIII From a Painting in the Royal Collection Kensington Palace.
Ref: P/20465 Medium: Copper Engraver: Sherwin C
| Henry VIII
Title: Effigies Henrici VIII. D. G. Angliae Gall. et Hib. Regis Defensoris Fidei.
Ref: P/25259 Medium: Copper
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| Henry VIII
Title: Konig Henrich der VIII
Ref: P/25261 Medium: Copper
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| Henry VIII
Title: King Henry the VIII.
Ref: P/25264 Medium: Copper
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| Herbert
Title: Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury.
Ref: P/26543 Medium: Steel
Not for sale |
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| Herring, Thomas
Title: The Most Revd. Father in God, Dr. Thomas Herring, by Divine Providence Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of All England & Metropolitan And One of His Majesty's most Honble. Privy Council &c &c
Ref: P/5503 Medium: Mezzotint Artist: Webster J Engraver: McArdell J
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| Heythusen, Willem van
Title: (Willem van Heythuysen in 1625)
Ref: P/10768 Medium: Etching Artist: Hals F
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| Hirsch
Title: M. Johann Gottfried Hirsch
Ref: P/5652 Medium: Copper
| Hoadley
Title: The Right Reverend Father in God, Dr. Benjamin Hoadley, Lord Bishop of Winchester Prelate of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Aet. 67. AD. 1743.
Ref: P/18512 Medium: Copper Artist: Hogarth W Engraver: Baron B
| Hoadley, Benjamin
Title: The Right Reverend Father in God, Dr. Benjamin Hoadley, Lord Bishop of Winchester Prelate of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Aet. 67. AD. 1743
Ref: P/6921 Medium: Copper Artist: Hogarth W Engraver: Baron B Date: 1743
| Hoare, Henry
Title: Henry Hoare Esqr.of Stourhead Wilts. Obiit A.D. 1724/5
Ref: P/9011 Medium: Copper Artist: Roth Engraver: Worthington
Not for sale |
| Hoare, Sir Richard Colt
Title: Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. of Stourhead Wilts
Ref: P/8528 Medium: Copper Artist: Edridge H Engraver: Meyer H
Not for sale |
| Hoare, Sir Richard Colt
Title: Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. of Stourhead Wilts
Ref: P/13791 Medium: Copper Artist: Edridge H Engraver: Meyer H
Not for sale |
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| Hoepssner
Title: M. Gottlieb Hoepssner
Ref: P/5653 Medium: Copper
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| Hollar, Wenceslaus
Title: Wenceslaus Hollar
Ref: P/24878 Medium: Copper
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| Hopital, Nicolas de l'
Title: Nicolas de l'Hospital Marquis de Vitry Chevallier des ordres du Roy lieutenant general pour sa maieste en la province de Brie et premier mareschal de France.
Ref: P/18234 Medium: Copper Artist: Moncornet B Engraver: Moncornet B Publisher: Bathasar Moncornet
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| Hornyold, John
Title: The Rt. Revd. John Hornyold, Bishop of Philomelia & V.A. of the Midland District.
Ref: P/26450 Medium: Stipple
| Houseless Traveller
Title: The Houseless Traveller. from a Group in Marble by R. Westmacott Esq. R.A.
Ref: P/33691 Medium: Steel Artist: Corbould H Engraver: Thomson I
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| Howard, Thomas
Title: Honoratiss: D'. Thomas Howard Co: Suffolciae et Toti' Ang: Thesavrari
"The righte Honourable Thomas: Howard Earle of Suffolk. Lorde Walden and Lorde Tresurer of England and one of his Ma'ties most honble. privvi Counsell and knight of the most noble Order of ye Garter.
Ref: P/22094 Medium: Copper Artist: Elstracke R Engraver: Elstracke R Publisher: Compton Holland over against thexchange
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| Howarth, George
Title: George Howarth, the Notorious Burglar. From a Drawing taken in Ilchester Jail.
Ref: P/14189 Medium: Lithograph Artist: Fahey I
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| Huydecoper
Title: Mr. Joan Huydecoper, Ridder, Heer van Maarsseveen, Neerdyk, Enz. Burgemeester en Raad der Stad Amsterdam.
Ref: P/21075 Medium: Copper Artist: Ovens J Engraver: Houbraken J
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