
Gallery: Music

Showing items 1 to 24 of 45
Music, Musicians, Composers

A Music Party. From the Original Picture by Titian, in the National Gallery.
Ref: P/33342
Categories: Genre
Medium: Steel
Artist: Titian
Engraver: Garner T
Publisher: Jones & Co. Temple of the Muses, Finsbury Square, London

Charles Jennens
Ref: P/33068
Categories: Portraits / Jennens, Charles
Medium: Crayon manner
Artist: Hussey G

Cheap Music
Ref: P/3382
Categories: Caricatures
Medium: Aquatint
Artist: Lisle J
Publisher: Geo Hunt, York St, Covent Garden

Concert d'Amateurs
Ref: P/5681
Categories: Caricatures / Miscellaneous
Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Vernet H
Engraver: Delpech F

Dance of Cupids
Ref: P/33147
Categories: Art
Medium: Etching
Artist: Raimondi M
Engraver: Blanchard A

Dedie A Monsieur Colbert D'Ormoy,
Ref: P/23052
Categories: Old Master / Audran
Medium: Etching
Artist: Carache H
Engraver: Audran G
Publisher: Chez Audran Rue S. Jacques
Date: 1664

Domestick Employment, Playing on the Guitar.
Ref: P/21189
Categories: Portraits
Medium: Mezzotint
Publisher: Robt. Sayer No. 53 Fleet Street

Ref: P/23902
Categories: Mythology
Medium: Copper
Date: 1809

Family Devotion - Singing.
Ref: P/32346
Categories: Genre
Medium: Lithograph
Publisher: Deane & Munday, Threadneedle St.

Fanchon la Vielleuse. A Madame Belmont.
Ref: P/5198
Categories: Theatre
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Delaplace J
Engraver: Schencker N

Fiddle De Dee.
Ref: P/30803
Categories: Portraits
Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Leonard W
Engraver: Leonard W
Publisher: H. Lamb, Hight St. Cheltenham

Foreign Itinerants.
Ref: P/11263
Categories: Caricatures / Miscellaneous
Medium: Lithograph
Publisher: London W. Spooner 259 Regent Str. Oxford Street

Harmony Before Matrimony
Ref: P/2589
Categories: Caricatures / Gillray - Bohn
Medium: Etching
Artist: Gillray J
Engraver: Gillray J
Publisher: Henry G. Bohn
Date: 1849

Highland Music
Ref: P/21474
Categories: Art
Medium: Steel
Artist: Landseer E
Engraver: Beckwith H

La Danse du Fandango
Ref: P/22275
Categories: Music
Medium: Copper
Publisher: A Paris chez Genty

La Musicienne.
Ref: P/23880
Categories: Portraits
Medium: Copper
Artist: Terburg G
Date: 1809

Le Concert Agreable
Ref: P/2115
Categories: Genre
Medium: Copper
Artist: Lavreince
Engraver: Varin

Le Lecon de Basse de Viole.
Ref: P/23905
Categories: Art
Medium: Copper
Artist: Netscher G
Date: 1809

Le Violoncelliste
Ref: P/10627
Categories: Music
Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Weisbuch C

Matrimonial Harmonics
Ref: P/2591
Categories: Caricatures / Gillray - Bohn
Medium: Etching
Artist: Gillray J
Engraver: Gillray J
Publisher: Henry G. Bohn
Date: 1849

Musica docia facit per sex discrimina vocum, vt recreet Miseros Faueat Solamine Lassis.
Ref: P/21553
Categories: Old Master / Bolswert
Medium: Copper
Artist: Rambouts T
Engraver: Bolswert S a

Musick and Ale
Ref: P/2998
Categories: Mezzotint Drolls
Medium: Mezzotint
Artist: Van Ostade A
Engraver: Corbutt C

My Heart and Lute.
Ref: P/33278
Categories: Caricatures
Medium: Etching
Artist: E. F. H.
Publisher: S. & J. Fuller, 34 Rathbone Place
Date: 1828

Orpheus & Eurydice.
Ref: P/30972
Categories: Allegorical
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Cipriani
Engraver: Bartolozzi
Publisher: I. Read, Coventry Street

Quaedam Sensuum Instrumenta
Ref: P/5673
Categories: Art
Medium: Copper
Artist: Me Maltoix
Engraver: Coelemans I
Date: 1704

Rouget de L'Isle. Dans une reunion chez le Maire de Strasbourg il Chante pour le Premier Fois le Chant Patriotique appele La Marseillaise (1792)
Ref: P/28162
Categories: History
Medium: Lithograph
Artist: Thomas
Engraver: Jannin H
Publisher: Bernasconi

Sibylla Cumaea
Ref: P/28786
Categories: Portraits / Sybyll
Medium: Copper
Artist: Domenichino
Engraver: Perfetti A
Publisher: Luigi Bardi, Borgo Degli Albizzi No. 460, Firenze
Date: 1828

Ste. Cecile Vierge Chantoit les louanges du vraey Dieu au sen des instruments musique et disoit Seigneur conservez mon coeur et mon corps sans tache afin que je ne toimbe point dans la confusion.
Ref: P/31457
Categories: Bible
Medium: Copper
Artist: Mignard P
Engraver: Duflos C
Publisher: Audran, Paris

Ste. Cecile.
Ref: P/23862
Categories: Bible
Medium: Copper
Artist: Mignard P
Date: 1809

St. Cecilia.
Ref: P/33210
Categories: Portraits
Medium: Stipple
Artist: Westall R
Engraver: Cook H R
Publisher: Clay & Scriven, No. 18 Ludgate Hill London
Date: 1802

Arms of Wiltshire Towns
Atlas Title Pages
Bachelor's Hall
Bird's Eye Panoramas
Bockler's Fountains
Britannia Depicta Road Maps
Buck's City Prospects
Cabinet of Quadrupeds
Chinese watercolours
Corsham Folio
Courtship and Matrimony
Food and Drink
Japanese Woodblocks
Joseph Mansell
Keere's Irish Provinces
Le Blond Ovals
Levasseur Colonies
Levasseur Departements
Mezzotint Portraits of Men
Mezzotint Portraits of Women
Mr Gay's Fables
Nicolas Tassin
Pays de la Rance
Poetical Sketches of Scarborough
Race Horses
Roman Costumes
Sea Battles
Six Chinese Women
Stars of the Past
Stars of the Present
The Prodigal Son
Turgot's Plan de Paris
Vues d'Optiques